27 Effective Cold Email Subject Lines for SaaS and Ecommerce

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Crafting effective cold email subject lines is essential for any SaaS or Ecommerce brand. 

While inbound marketing tactics like content writing, SEO, and social media can generate awareness of your brand and solutions, cold emails are still one of the most valuable ways to start building lifelong relationships with loyal customers. 

In fact, 80% of prospects say email is their preferred form of communication for initial outreach from a business. A strong cold email strategy can help you add new leads to your pipeline and increase sales. Plus, it sets the foundations for an exceptional long-term outreach strategy. 

You can use email marketing throughout the entire customer journey to nurture new and existing clients, increase customer lifetime value, and inspire loyalty. 

Unfortunately, while cold email can be an effective lead-generation tool, it’s not without its challenges. Before you can convert a contact into a customer, you need to convince them to actually click on your emails. That’s where an effective cold email subject line comes in. 

Defining Cold Emails: The Benefits for SaaS and Ecommerce

businessman using mobile smart phone reviewing reading sending email to clients

Cold emailing might seem like an outdated practice in a world obsessed with inbound marketing. However, it has the potential to accelerate the results of virtually every other SaaS or ecommerce marketing strategy. If your goal is to capture leads and engage buyers, cold email is a great tool.

Cold emailing is essentially the process of sending emails to someone you don’t have an existing relationship with. SaaS and ecommerce companies can collect email addresses from potential prospects in a range of ways, from researching LinkedIn and social media profiles to creating landing pages with compelling lead magnets asking for contact details. 

Cold emails are a fantastic way to start a lucrative conversation with a prospect. In the ecommerce industry, they help retailers to draw attention to their products, solutions, and sales. 

In the SaaS landscape, cold emails can help B2B brands build the foundations for long-term relationships with clients. With cold emails, you can connect with thousands of potential customers every day, reach people who spend the majority of their time online, and keep your brand “front of mind” with your intended audience.

The Importance of Cold Email Subject Lines

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Though many SaaS and ecommerce companies view cold email as a valuable tactic for lead generation, it can be challenging to get right. The average office worker alone receives about 121 emails per day. If your message doesn’t stand out from the moment it arrives in a prospect’s inbox, it could be ignored, deleted, or worse – sent to the spam box.

That’s why effective email subject lines for cold emails are so important. Subject lines may only include a handful of words, but they’re the key factor determining whether your customers will click on your message and engage with your brand. In fact, 47% of email recipients decide whether they’re going to open an email based on the subject line alone.

An effective cold email subject line will grab your customer’s attention and curiosity, as well as offer valuable insight into the value and credibility of your brand. Alternatively, a poor subject line could lead to wasted marketing budgets and damage to your reputation. Around 69% of people report emails as “spam” based on their subject line. 

The more spam reports your emails earn, the more your domain authority will dwindle, making it harder for you to bypass the filters of email service providers. That could mean your emails bounce and never reach an inbox at all. 

Top Tips for Effective Cold Email Subject Lines

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In any industry, including the SaaS and ecommerce landscape, crafting an effective email subject line requires creativity, strategy, and focus. The most important thing you can do to ensure your emails drive results is to ensure the subject line is specific and relevant to your audience especially when you're doing ecommerce email marketing.

While the average response rate for business emails is usually around 10%, a personalized subject line can generate a response rate of 30.5%

Secondly, your email subject lines should be valuable and intriguing. It needs to drive action, convincing customers to click on your message. Often, this means playing with language, psychology, and a host of different strategies to find out what works. 

Here are some of our top tips for effective email subject lines:

Make it personal

As mentioned above, personalized emails generate higher levels of engagement. 74% of marketers who use personalized messaging achieve better email marketing results. Personalizing your email subject lines can start with simply including a customer’s name in the message, and this can be easily done with a cold email software.

However, it’s also worth segmenting your audience into different groups based on their preferences, their location, demographic details, and even their occupation. This ensures you can create subject lines for each customer group relevant to their pain points and goals.

Master formatting

SaaS and ecommerce companies often experiment with a wide range of formatting options for subject lines. In some industries, emojis in subject lines can drive amazing results. Some ecommerce brands find emojis boost the effectiveness of marketing by up to 70%

However, it only makes sense to use emojis if it matches your brand’s tone of voice and personality. A high-level SaaS company targeting enterprise customers may find emojis make them look less professional. It’s also important to avoid certain formatting blunders, like using capitalized subject lines or numerous exclamation marks, which can trigger spam filters.

Make them intriguing or valuable

Email subject lines should either immediately provide your customers with valuable information or make them curious enough to click on your message. Using statistical data in subject lines can be an excellent way to demonstrate credibility and deliver instant value.

Alternatively, asking questions or using vague terms to inspire curiosity can push your customers to interact with your business. This is particularly true when your intriguing subject lines align with a customer’s pain points or goals. 

Keep it short and sweet

Brevity is essential when designing email subject lines for cold emails. Remember that whether your customers use an app on a smartphone or a desktop to access their emails, they’ll only be able to see so much content in their inbox. 

The more words included in your subject line, the more likely the message will be truncated. Get straight to the point, and eliminate any unnecessary words. It’s also a good idea to be wary of “spam trigger words,” such as “guarantee.”  

Stay compliant with email marketing guidelines

Your marketing strategy can’t pay off if all your emails end up in a spam folder or get flagged by email service providers. With that in mind, make sure you’re adhering to email marketing regulations. Comply with the CAN-SPAM Act, and ensure you avoid making any fake claims in your messages. 

Send emails directly from a business domain to ensure your messages appear credible, and use an active reply-to address. Spam filters are more likely to target messages sent from email addresses like “noreply@gmail.com.”

Constantly test and optimize

Different companies in the SaaS and Ecommerce world earn different results from a range of strategies for writing subject lines for cold emails. The only way to ensure you’re constantly getting the best results is to regularly test and optimize. 

A/B tests your emails and uses your email marketing software to track click-through rates, click rates, bounce rates, and other data relevant to your campaigns. Examine how metrics vary between different segments of your audience, and don’t be scared to experiment. 

27 Cold Email Subject Line Examples for SaaS and Ecommerce

Concept of Best Email Subject Lines write on a book isolated on Wooden Table

Now we’ve covered the essentials of writing the best cold email subject line, it’s time to dive into some examples. The following 27 cold email subject lines have been proven to drive phenomenal results for a range of businesses. Let’s dive in.

Cold Email Subject Lines formed as Questions

Human beings are naturally engaged by questions. When we’re presented with a query, we automatically want to seek out an answer. One study into email subject line effectiveness found that subject lines structured as questions get around 10% more opens on average.

Questions also inspire interactivity. Brands that use interactive content in their email marketing strategies earn around 70% higher conversion rates

The key to success with question-based subject lines is ensuring the questions are relevant to your audience. Research the questions your customers are already asking about your industry, company, products, or services before you start writing.

1. Why [Company]? Why now?

One of the most common questions any prospect will have about a brand or company they’re considering working with is, “Why you?” Your customers need to know what makes you special, relevant, or valuable based on their specific needs. 

This subject line promises to answer those questions for your audience. In the body of your email, you can explain exactly why you’re contacting a prospect and how you can serve them. 

2. Are you struggling with [topic]?

The success of this cold email subject line depends heavily on your understanding of your target audience. If you’ve done plenty of research into your customer segments, you’ll already know what kind of pain points you’re facing. 

Addressing a topic you know a customer is struggling with in your subject line shows them that you understand their needs and can potentially deliver a solution to their issues.

3. What more could you want?

This subject line serves two distinct purposes. First, it inspires curiosity. It’s vague enough to encourage customers to click on your email to find out what you’re talking about. Secondly, it hints that you have something of significant value to offer. 

The key to using this subject line correctly is making sure the internal messaging of your email aligns with the question. Use your email copy to highlight all of the amazing benefits your solution or product has to offer and provide evidence of your value with social proof, testimonials, and reviews.

4. Are you ready?

Similar to the subject line above, this option is effective because it generates curiosity. Consumers will want to know what you’re actually talking about. 

You can also customize this question based on what you know about your target audience and their goals. For instance, a SaaS company selling ecommerce software might use the line “Are you ready to increase sales?” An ecommerce brand might use the subject line “Are you ready for the latest tech?”

5. What would you do with more [benefit]?

This cold email subject line draws immediate attention to one of the main selling points of your product, service, or solution. For instance, a SaaS brand might ask customers what they could accomplish with more time or profits. 

An ecommerce company could look at the key benefits of the products it sells, altering the subject line slightly to something like: “What could you accomplish with smart home tech?” 

Email Subject Lines for Cold Emails that Spark Emotions

According to a Harvard professor, around 95% of decisions are based on emotions. Gallup shares similar insights, suggesting that only 30% of decisions are based on rational factors. This is true in both the B2C and B2B worlds. 

A cold email subject line that sparks an emotional response is incredible at driving action. You can appeal to feelings of curiosity, address negative emotions like stress or fatigue, or even promise to deliver positive emotional benefits. 

6. It’s easier than you think

This is a great subject line for any company that wants to leverage the curiosity of its customers. It’s relatively vague, which leaves your customers wondering “what” exactly is so simple. Additionally, it addresses a common concern consumers have about buying new products and services.

Every customer in the ecommerce or SaaS space will want a simple and convenient solution to whatever problem they’re facing. 

7. Are you having this problem too?

One of the best things about this subject line is it allows companies to relate directly to their target audience and show their human side. You’re not just acknowledging that customers have issues they need to address; you’re recognizing that these problems are relatively commonplace. 

Once again, this subject line inspires curiosity. If you can discuss a relevant problem your customer is facing in the body of your email, you’ll pave the way for affinity with your target audience.

8. We [love/hate] [solution/problem] too!

Another excellent affinity-building subject line, this message can go in two directions. You can either empathize with a problem your customer is having or share excitement about a solution. 

For instance, a SaaS company selling SEO software could use the subject line: “We love better rankings, too!”. Alternatively, you could focus on the negative with “We hate searching for keywords too!”. These subject lines simultaneously spark emotions and draw attention to what kind of value your business can offer. 

9. [Name], there’s too much on your plate

In the SaaS industry, in particular, this can be an extremely valuable cold email subject line. After all, no matter what kind of B2B industry you serve, there’s a good chance employees are dealing with a significant amount of overwhelm and frustration on a daily basis. 

Another great thing about this subject line is it addresses your customer directly, helping to build a deeper human connection. 

10. Remove the [Problem] from [Scenario] today

Ultimately, the role of any business is to solve the problems its customers face. In the ecommerce space, this could mean helping consumers to find cheaper clothing, technology, or home décor. In the SaaS space, it could mean removing the guesswork or confusion from certain tasks, like scheduling, accounting, or building a website. 

The great thing about this subject line is it directly connects with customer pain points and promises them an option to find a solution immediately. The use of the word “today” hints that whatever you’re offering can deliver results quickly. 

Cold Email Subject Lines that Deliver Value

As mentioned above, the best subject lines often deliver instant value to your audience. If they’re not promising a solution to a problem or a way to achieve a specific goal, they should be offering something else, such as data, statistics, or insights. 

When you add value to your subject lines, you tell your customers that you’re a company or vendor that’s worth working with. Value-driven subject lines help to establish your credibility, improve the reputation of your brand, and pave the way for great relationships. 

11. Alert: [Breaking News]

This cold email subject line is pretty versatile. You can introduce virtually any relevant piece of news, provided you keep your statement short, sweet, and to the point. The good thing about this type of subject line is it helps to establish you as a thought leader. 

For example, in the SaaS industry, you might share a recent finding from an industry report, for instance, “Alert: [Analyst] says [industry] market size is growing.” In the ecommerce space, you might comment on a trend in your space, such as “Alert: Customers want more sustainable clothes.”

The term “alert” alone can increase your open rates to around 61.8%, according to some reports. 

12. Get your free [product/demo/solution] here

While the word “free” can sometimes trigger spam filters, subject lines containing this term often get opened more than most. One report found that using the word “free” in an email can increase open rates by 10%. After all, we all like getting something for nothing.

You don’t necessarily need to give away free software or products. You could provide access to a free webinar, demo, download, or something else your consumer will find valuable. The use of the word “your” here is crucial too. It suggests that customers already “own” the solution; they just haven’t claimed it yet. This sparks “FOMO,” or fear of missing out. 

13. [X Blogs/Resources] We know you’ll love

If you don’t want to give something substantial away for free, then why not share some valuable content instead? Once again, you can customize this cold email subject line based on your target audience and its segments, as well as specific pain points or goals.

A SaaS company selling contact center software might share “X Contact center reports you should read”. An ecommerce company selling food and beverages might share “X food options to help you lose weight”. 

14. [Relevant Industry Statistic] 

Data-based subject lines are extremely valuable in the SaaS industry. After all, every company buying a software solution wants to see evidence they’ll get a return on their investment. If you can share genuine statistics, you’ll instantly attract the attention of your customers. 

For example, you might say “80% of accountants waste time finding data”. This demonstrates thought leadership and knowledge of your industry and helps you to resonate with customer pain points. The strategy works in the ecommerce landscape too. For instance, you might say “75% of fashion fans want sustainable clothing”.

15. [x] Things you didn’t know about [topic]

Once again, this is an informative cold email subject line designed to provide your customers with valuable information. The key to success with this subject line is knowing what topics your consumers are interested in. 

Ecommerce brands might share little-known facts about interior design, athletic apparel, or any other product they sell. SaaS companies can share insights into the software they produce, for instance, “5 things you didn’t know about checkout software”. 

Email Subject Lines for Cold Emails with Social Proof

Social proof is one of the most powerful growth marketing tools in the world and one of the core drivers of valuable customer action. While elements of social proof, like reviews, case studies, and testimonials, can elevate any marketing strategy, they’re extremely useful for cold emails. 

After all, with cold emails, you’re connecting with customers who aren’t fully aware of your company and its benefits. Your contacts don’t know if they can trust you yet. Social proof gives them a reason to see your business as authoritative and credible.

16. How [Company] used [Solution] to [Achieve Goal]

This cold email subject line requires companies to draw valuable information from specific case studies. You may need to request permission from the businesses or consumers they work with to share their stories, but the results can be extremely valuable. 

For instance, a SaaS company could say, “How [Brand] used our software to cut costs.” You don’t have to share any specific details about how the customer achieved their result in the subject line, but you should provide more insights in the actual body of the email. 

17. Companies save [X] hours a week with [solution]

Everyone wants to save time. Whether it’s an ecommerce customer looking for a way to streamline their day-to-day tasks with new tech or a business trying to optimize workflows, sharing exactly how many hours a customer can save with your solution is a great way to grab their attention. 

Make sure you back up the claim you make in the subject line with research and data in the email body. You can also add links to case studies on your website to drive traffic. 

18. [Customer Quote] 

If a customer shares a positive review with your company, why not transform it into a subject line? You’ll need to pinpoint the most valuable portion of the quote to ensure it’s not too long. For instance, an ecommerce customer might share a review saying your multivitamin helped improve their sleep or reduce their stress levels. The quote you use could be, “I’ve never slept better: [Name].” 

Once again, you might need to ask for permission to use a customer’s review and name in your marketing strategies. Alternatively, you could keep things vague and simply link customers back to your review or testimonial page in your email copy.

19. [Company] earns [Award, certification, recognition]

If your company has just accomplished something significant, like winning an industry award or getting certified by a well-known business, then you can share that in your cold email subject line. It’s a great way to demonstrate credibility and authority.

Plus, sharing something you’ve accomplished recently can inspire customers to research your brand and learn more about what you do. 

20. [Customers] are saving big with [solution]

Though this cold email subject line is a little more vague than some of our other social-proof options, it still works. It works by instantly addressing your target audience. For instance, you might start the subject line with “Fashion fans,” “Accountants” or “Retailers,” depending on your customer base. 

It also addresses something every customer wants – the opportunity to save money. Another benefit of this particular subject line is it creates “FOMO.” The subject line tells customers they could be missing out on something other buyers are already getting.

Personalized Cold Email Subject Lines

As mentioned above, all of the best cold email subject lines should be relevant to your specific target audience. Segmenting your customers into different groups will help you to create more compelling subject lines based on their specific needs and interests. 

Using a customer’s name in an email is another way to make the experience feel more personal. However, you can also take personalization to the next level in a variety of other ways. 

Creating a truly personalized email subject line can increase open rates by 50%. Here are 7 great examples of ultra-personalized subject lines:

21. Happy Birthday! [Name]: Reaching out to a customer on their birthday is a great way to show them you genuinely care. You can even offer a gift in the form of a discount or freebie.

22. [Name] Here’s your exclusive offer: Make your customers feel special by offering them an “exclusive” deal or package. You can also tailor your offer to what you know about the customer, such as what kind of products or services they’re looking for. 

23. [Name] Are you still dealing with [problem?]: After researching the pain points affecting your customers, reach out, asking them if they’re “still” encountering an issue. This shows you’ve done your research and know what issues they’re facing.

24. [Name] What did you think of [lead magnet]? If you used a lead magnet to capture emails for a cold outreach campaign, ask your consumers for their feedback. This shows a genuine commitment to delivering value. 

25. [Name] don’t miss out on [offer]: This subject line leverages personalization and the fear of missing out at the same time. It pushes consumers to take action by indicating there’s a time limit on your deal. 

26. [Name] your [activities] aren’t working: This cold email subject line is a little controversial; it involves actively telling your customers they’re doing something wrong, hoping they’ll be curious enough to learn what they can change. 

27. [Name] let’s start working towards [goals]: This subject line addresses the specific goal you know your customer wants to accomplish, whether it’s redesigning their website, losing weight, or generating more customers. 

Mastering Email Subject Lines for Cold Emails

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The right cold emails have the power to fill your sales pipeline, generate new leads, and strengthen your brand reputation. However, it’s easy to make mistakes. The wrong cold email subject line could be enough to alienate crucial customers, and even land your content in the spam folder.

Hopefully, the examples above have given you some insights into the types of email subject lines for cold emails that can generate the best results.

However, if you need extra help crafting the perfect email outreach strategy, Growth Collective can help. Reach out to us today to find the ideal email expert ready to help you craft incredible subject lines, email content, and comprehensive marketing strategies. 

Rebekah Carter
Former company
About Author
Rebekah is a dedicated writer with years of experience producing exceptional content for brands around the globe. Her commitment to producing the best possible content means she’s constantly developing new skills and experience.
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