White Label Facebook Ads: The Complete Guide for Agencies

Company meeting to planing marketing with using Facebook social media ads advertising to increase profits for the company

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Investing in a white label Facebook Ads service could be the ultimate way to increase the revenue and potential of your agency. After all, while Facebook is far from the only social media platform worth utilizing for promotion today, it’s still one of the most powerful options on the market. 

With more than 2.93 billion monthly active users, Facebook connects with nearly 40% of the world’s population on a consistent basis. It’s also the platform for the highest scalability and versatility in the social media world. Facebook appeals to customers of all ages, demographics, and backgrounds and provides businesses with exceptional targeting and advertising tools to boost their ROI. 

However, managing endless comprehensive Facebook advertising campaigns can be complex, even if you have multiple marketing experts on your team. That’s where White label Facebook advertising services come in, to accelerate growth without the added complexity. 

Here’s everything you need to know about hiring a white label service for your Facebook ads agency.

What are White Label Facebook Ads?

White label Facebook ads, otherwise known as “private label” services, offer digital marketing agencies a way to expand their service offering and delight a wider range of clients. Essentially, with a white label provider, agencies outsource ad management, Facebook ad creation, and various other promotional tasks to a third-party service provider. 

The service provider, either a freelancer or an alternative agency, manages the Facebook ad campaigns of your clients on your behalf while retaining your brand name and image. This means you can transfer the work of creating a powerful Facebook advertising campaign to another company without your end users ever knowing that another company or professional is involved. 

White label Facebook ad service providers adhere to your brand guidelines and policies, preserving your reputation and relationship with your customers. Although the services these companies and individuals can offer vary, they can cover things like:

  • Campaign planning: Using the most up-to-date insights into the Facebook advertising world, your expert can create effective campaign structures to set you up for success. They can test multiple creative types, target specific audiences, and even leverage lead generation tools to give you an edge over the competition. 
  • A/B testing and optimization: Creating powerful Facebook ads often requires a lot of testing. With white label services, you can outsource the A/B testing process for campaign content, headers, and call-to-action buttons to another professional. They can test creatives on your behalf, analyze patterns in audience behavior and share the results.
  • Campaign management: A professional offering white label agency services can interact with clients on your behalf, share insights into campaign opportunities, and even manage the back-end configuration of campaigns on your behalf. They’ll constantly tweak and upgrade campaign strategies to achieve specific company goals. 
  • Bidding and scheduling: Facebook Ads professionals working on a white label basis can also leverage advanced bidding strategies to help improve your ROI. As your data grows over time, they can adjust your bids periodically, reducing your marketing spend while ensuring you still get the best returns from your campaigns.
  • Reporting and analytics: Most white label agencies will provide in-depth reports and insights to your team. They can also create reports on your behalf for clients, using your branding and letterheads to ensure you maintain a consistent image. 

Why You Should White Label with Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads application icon on phone screen close-up

Although you can always consider managing your own Facebook Advertising services “in-house,” the reality is dealing with Facebook advertising can be a complex process. The more clients you collect for your business, the more complex it becomes to deliver a full Facebook advertising service. 

Delivering these services in-house means hiring specialists who can constantly work hand-in-hand with each client. Not only is this talent difficult to find, but it can be extremely expensive. Not to mention, you’ll be responsible for constantly training and upskilling your team as social media advertising trends continue to evolve. 

Choosing a white label Facebook ads service instead means you can reduce costs and increase your value to your customers at the same time. You’ll pay for only the support and services you access, ensuring you can scale up and down according to your specific needs. Plus, you can rest assured your white label service provider will always be up-to-date with the latest trends and algorithms. 

With a white label Facebook ads agency or freelancer, you can:

  • Increase revenue: Working with a white label Facebook ads company ensures you can offer a valuable additional marketing service to your target audience. This increases your potential for revenue and profit and even boosts your chances of acquiring new clients. 
  • Improve productivity: With a white label service provider handling Facebook ads on your behalf, you can focus on the things your team does best. This could be creating content marketing campaigns, writing emails, or just communicating regularly with customers. 
  • Reduce costs: Using a white label service provider for Facebook ads is far less expensive than hiring, managing, and training your own team of Facebook specialists. You can save money while unlocking new opportunities for business growth. 
  • Outshine the competition: Adding another service to your offerings is an excellent way to set yourself apart from the competition. You can expand your portfolio and offer additional value to customers already using your services for things like Instagram marketing.
  • Save time: The more clients you acquire for your advertising agency, the more precious your employees’ time will become. With an outsourced white label solution, you can give your employees more time to focus on the tasks they do best. 

How to Get Started with White Labelling Facebook Ads

The good news for companies considering a white label Facebook ads approach is it’s often relatively easy to get your service up and running. Most white label service providers offer an easy onboarding process, which guides you through the process of establishing which solutions you want to offer to customers and strengthening your brand. 

The most challenging part of the process is choosing the right partner to work with. Here’s your step-by-step guide to making the right decision. 

Step 1: Deciding What to Look for in a Partner

two freelancer men have business online

If you’re thinking about investing in white label service ads, choosing the ideal partner will be the most important step in ensuring your success. While it’s obvious that you’ll need to look for a freelancer or agency with experience in the Facebook advertising space, there are a few other points you’ll need to keep in mind too. 

Think about:

  • Services offered: As mentioned above, a white label Facebook ads agency or freelancer can offer a variety of different services. Some solution providers specialize in creating content for Facebook ads or building strategies for your clients. Others offer a more full-service solution, which includes ad management, bidding support, analytics, optimization, and reporting. 
  • Experience: Though experience with Facebook ads is a given, it’s also worth considering other forms of experience that might be valuable from your white label partner. For instance, a company that specializes in the industry you serve could be particularly useful if you provide a specialist service. Your advertising team should also know how to use specific tools for Facebook advertising, research, and analysis. 
  • Reliability: An excellent white label partner will be able to deliver consistent and reliable service at all times. They’ll be committed to constantly communicating with your company and team leaders, keeping you up-to-date on their progress. They’ll also validate their value by sharing reports and insights into their work. It’s worth reading any reviews the agency or freelancer has received in the past for an insight into their reliability. 

It’s also worth considering how you’re going to pay for your white label service. Keep in mind that different companies and freelancers can offer different types of pricing packages. Some professionals will charge for their services by the hour, while others will provide monthly retainer fees. 

Step 2: Consider the Pros and Cons of a White Label Agency

business people holding big pros and cons

Once you’ve defined some of the core factors you need to think about when choosing a white label agency partner, the next stage is deciding what kind of partner you’re going to pursue. Since you’ve already decided not to handle Facebook advertising in-house, you’ll have two options to choose from. 

The first option is to work with another specialist social media marketing agency. This is essentially a team of professionals who works hand-in-hand with your team to deliver white labeled Facebook advertising services to your customers. 

Working with an agency does have a number of benefits. For instance, it provides access to a wide range of different social media professionals with varying Facebook advertising skills. Some agencies also have access to tools and resources that can make them more effective in their roles. 

However, an agency is often a far more expensive choice than working with a freelancer (the alternative option). They also might not be able to give your business as much focus or attention as a freelancer would. When looking into agencies, think about the following:

  • The services provided: Just as you would when looking for any white label Facebook ad service, it’s important to consider the services your agency can provide. Find out whether you’ll be reliant on one person for all of the services you need or whether you’ll have to collaborate with multiple members of the team. 
  • Pricing: As mentioned above, agencies can be a lot more expensive to work with than freelancers. Rather than hiring a single contracted professional, you’re working with a full team, which often ramps up the cost. Plus, you might need to agree to certain contracts to ensure you can access your agency’s full attention. 
  • Branding: Ensure any agency you consider working with will provide a truly white labeled service. The last thing you want is for your agency to steal your customers by approaching them directly with their services or “cobranding” the ads they provide. 

Step 3: Look at the Ups and Downs of a White Label Freelancer

man riding an arrow down breaking an arrow up

If an agency doesn’t seem like the right option for your white label needs, a freelancer could be the perfect alternative. You can even choose to hire multiple different freelancers, to work with a wide range of clients or on various distinct projects. 

The best thing about working with freelancers for a white label Facebook advertising service is you get incredible flexibility. Freelancers don’t hold you to any contracts, and you can scale the number of services and professionals you access up and down according to your changing needs. 

Freelancers also offer much more affordable services than agencies in most cases. While both options can reduce overhead costs by allowing you to work with remote partners, Freelancers tend to offer lower rates than agencies because you’re only working with one professional at a time. Some can even provide deals on long-term packages. 

Of course, there are still some key points to consider when working with a freelancer, such as:

  • Skill sets: Freelancers are often well-rounded professionals, but some can have more of the skills you need for your Facebook ad services than others. It’ll be important to ensure you’re working with pre-vetted professionals who have years of experience in the industry. 
  • Service levels: Since freelancers rely on their reputation for continued work, they tend to provide excellent services and ensure your needs are met. However, there’s always a chance that service levels could vary between different employees. Working with the right freelance network will ensure you can find a professional you can trust. 
  • Performance: Freelancers generally have fewer projects to handle than larger digital agencies, so they can make your advertising campaigns a priority. However, a lack of resources could mean that some professionals take slightly longer to complete a project. 
  • Communication: While most freelancers will do their best to maintain consistent communication with the companies they serve, their availability can vary. You’ll need to ensure you set expectations for consistent communication upfront. 
  • Pricing: While a freelancer won’t demand a full-time salary, like an in-house professional, the way they price their services can vary. Some offer per-project or per-hour pricing, so it’s worth establishing exactly what you can expect to pay at the beginning of your partnership.

Why Work with Growth Collective Facebook Ads Freelancers

two freelance online business isolated on white background

Compared to hiring in-house employees or working with an alternative agency, collaborating with freelancers is often a far more appealing option for growing brands. Freelancers offer greater flexibility, access to incredible skills, and fantastic levels of service. 

However, it’s important to ensure you’re investing in the right freelancers capable of delivering the performance you and your clients expect. Working with a company like Growth Collective to choose your white label Facebook ad freelancers could be the perfect solution. 

At Growth Collective, we carefully vet every freelancer on our platform, ensuring our clients only get the very best support. Working with us means you can access the following:

  • The perfect talent: Our team of experienced professionals personally matches your business to the consultants and freelancers that suit your specific needs. We identify your goals and pinpoint the freelancers that will help you generate incredible growth. 
  • Versatile support: Our freelancers can help with a wide range of different Facebook advertising needs. They can assist in creating powerful ad campaigns, monitoring and optimizing creative content, and even creating white label reports. 
  • Scalability: With Growth Collective, you’re free to adjust your freelancer needs and services as your business evolves. You can update your mix of marketers at any time, access additional professionals, or put your services on pause when you don’t need them.
  • Transparent pricing: We work with both you and your Facebook freelancers to write well-designed scopes of work, so you know exactly what you can expect to pay. We also ensure freelancers adhere to the weekly and monthly pricing rules you’ve set. 
  • Peace of mind: Because all of our freelancers are pre-vetted and selected based on their industry expertise, you know you’re going to get a fantastic service. We ensure all of our freelancers are familiar with the latest Facebook advertising rules, algorithms, and trends and test their abilities so you don’t have to. 

Time to Invest in White Label Facebook Ads?

Investing in white label Facebook ads could be an amazing way to improve the profitability of your agency, reach new customers, and unlock new opportunities. Facebook remains one of the most powerful platforms for digital growth and a crucial part of many marketing campaigns.

However, handling Facebook advertising strategies for multiple clients at once can be a complex and time-consuming process. With a white label Facebook advertising service, you can provide your customers with the support they need without having to worry about hiring additional in-house talent.

Contact the Growth Collective team today to learn how we can help you to partner with the best possible Facebook ads experts for your needs. 


What is white label social media marketing?

White label social media marketing is the process of outsourcing social media marketing tasks to an agency or freelancer who completes projects under your brand name. The company uses your branding in all of its work, so you can retain your reputation and connection with customers. 

Is white labeling illegal?

No, white labeling isn’t illegal. However, to sell white label products or services under your own brand name, you do need to craft an agreement with the white label service provider. This outlines how the services provided will be used according to your brand guidelines. 

Is white labeling worth it?

For marketing agencies, white labeling can be an excellent way to increase sales, reach new clients, and offer new services while keeping costs low. It’s a fantastic way to outsource a task to another company or professional while maintaining your brand’s reputation. 

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Rebekah Carter
Former company
About Author
Rebekah is a dedicated writer with years of experience producing exceptional content for brands around the globe. Her commitment to producing the best possible content means she’s constantly developing new skills and experience.
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