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8 Top YouTube Ads Agencies For 2024

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Investing in the services of a YouTube ad agency is a great way to enhance your marketing strategies and drive more ROI from your video-based campaigns. After all, YouTube is one of the most valuable platforms in the world for creators and business leaders alike.

With more than 2 billion monthly active users, YouTube is one of the most visited platforms on the web, and YouTube ad campaigns can drive amazing results. According to studies, 

  • 70% of viewers say YouTube helps them discover new brands
  • 80% of customers say YouTube is the channel they use at the start of their shopping journey
  • Around 70% of users buy something after seeing a brand or product on YouTube

The trouble is YouTube marketing is complicated. YouTube has its own algorithms to consider when it comes to search engine optimization, various unique ad styles to choose from, and a host of nuances you have to master if you want to connect with consumers.

That’s where a YouTube ad agency can step in, giving you the expertise and guidance you need to produce more valuable campaigns. So, which are the best YouTube ad agencies available right now?

Do You Need a YouTube Ad Agency?

YouTube app installed from Google Play

Before we help you choose the ultimate YouTube marketing agency, it’s worth asking whether you actually need an agency in the first place. While YouTube ad agencies can be extremely helpful to businesses, they do have their downsides. 

For instance, working with an agency is often more expensive than hiring a freelancer. Plus, you have a lot less flexibility when it comes to establishing projects and contracts. If you’re looking for a more cost-effective way to access support with your YouTube campaigns, there are other options.

For instance, hiring a YouTube expert or freelancer gives you all of the benefits you’d get from an agency, with additional flexibility. You still get:

  • Expertise: YouTube marketing freelancers are well-versed in the unique aspects of marketing via video. They know how to help you master algorithms, optimize content, and build engaging strategies to connect with your audience. 
  • Creativity: A YouTube freelancer has the creative skills to help you not only create stunning videos but also set up an attractive branded channel. They can assist with everything from creating header images and cards to profile icons. 
  • Strategic guidance: If you need help launching a new YouTube strategy, your freelance expert can assist you with everything from planning your content cadence to promoting videos across a range of channels. They can even track crucial metrics and KPIs, creating reports to help boost your ROI. 

What’s more, unlike YouTube ad agencies, YouTube freelance marketers are far more flexible. You can scale your service up or down as needed, with no complex contracts to worry about. Plus, you can hire a specialist for as many projects or strategies as you need. 

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How to Choose a YouTube Marketing Agency

A woman talking in front of a laptop on her lap

While freelance YouTube experts offer a more flexible, cost-effective, and versatile way to access expertise, they may not be the right option for everyone. If you’re running a larger business and need access to a full team of specialists, an agency might still be the right choice. 

Some agencies can even help with multi-faceted marketing strategies, combining video marketing with content creation, email marketing, and paid ads. So, how do you narrow down your options?

Here are some quick steps to help you choose the right YouTube ad agency.

Step 1: Outline Your Project Scope

First, you’ll need to determine what you actually need from a YouTube marketing agency. That means thinking about your “project scope” and your goals or objectives for your campaign. Different agencies can offer various levels of service and support. 

Some will only help in developing a YouTube marketing strategy and ensuring you promote your content on the right channels. Others can help connect you with influencers, assist with YouTube SEO, and even support you with video editing and creation.

Create a list of the core services you’re going to need from your agency and use it to narrow down your options. Avoid anyone who can’t offer a full, bespoke service.

Step 2: Consider Your Budget

As mentioned above, YouTube marketing agencies are generally more expensive to hire than freelancers and solo experts. After, you’re paying for the assistance of an entire team, not just one professional. That means if you’re just working on an ad campaign for a short-term project, like a product launch, an agency might not be the right choice. 

However, agencies do vary in their pricing, packages, and even how they charge their clients. Some will charge on a per-project basis. Others price their services by the hour, and some will require you to sign up for a recurring monthly contract. 

Knowing what your budget is and what you’re willing to pay for your services will make it easier to find an affordable partner. 

Step 3: Examine the Agency’s Reputation

Social proof isn’t just an excellent tool for customers searching for advice on which new products to buy. It’s also extremely valuable when you’re investing in services and support for your company’s growth. Any YouTube ad agency can tell you they’re the best in the business. 

However, the best way to get a real insight into what you can expect from your agency is to look at their work with previous clients. Check the company’s website for case studies and success stories relevant to your industry or niche. 

Check out reviews on both the company’s website and third-party platforms like Trustpilot. If a company has no testimonials at all, it’s probably worth avoiding.

Step 4: Ask About their Process and Tools

Every company is different, so a one-size-fits-all approach to YouTube advertising is rarely successful. Asking your agency about the process they use when working with clients will help you determine whether they can adapt their strategy to suit your needs. 

Discuss how they’ll evaluate your target audience and help you build an effective strategy. It’s also worth looking into the tools and technologies your vendor has access to. For instance, can they help you with keyword and SEO research using analytical tools?

Do they have access to video editing software to help optimize your content? What sort of solutions do they use to manage content schedules, analytics, and reporting? 

Step 5: Communicate

It might sound obvious, but you should never hire a marketing agency without connecting with them first. You need to ensure first that the company is quick and responsive in case you have any questions you need to ask throughout the campaign. 

Communicating with your chosen YouTube ad agency will also help you to learn more about their processes and set expectations for your campaign. Ask them how frequently they’ll update you with reports and insights. Find out how often they’ll meet with you to review your strategy. 

If you’re struggling to communicate with your ad agency from day one, then the chances are they won’t be able to offer a consistent level of support. 

The Best YouTube Ad Agencies in 2023

Now you know what to look for in a YouTube marketing agency, it’s time to start narrowing down your options. There are dozens of companies out there that you can consider. We’ve focused this list on the companies with the best reputation, the widest scope of services, and the best pricing options.

1. Vireo Video

A screenshot of Vireo Video home page

Trusted by market-leading companies like Gelato, Best Buy, and Exabeam, Vireo Video is a dedicated YouTube and video marketing agency certified by Google. The company has earned an excellent reputation for its bespoke approach to advertising strategies. Plus, they offer a free consultation service, so you don’t have to commit to anything straight away. 

With Viero Video, you can focus exclusively on a YouTube-based advertising campaign or combine a range of tactics to boost your online presence. Vireo Video offers a range of YouTube-focused marketing services, including:

  • YouTube ad creation and ad campaigns
  • YouTube video and channel SEO optimization
  • YouTube strategy creation
  • Auditing and research
  • Full-service YouTube growth packages
  • YouTube influencer marketing services 

The brand has excellent reviews across Google and offers access to a range of case studies and customer success reports so you can see their results for yourself. The team of YouTube-certified experts knows how to increase engagement and generate revenue through ad campaigns. 

Plus, they even offer access to free YouTube marketing tools, like a video marketing canvas, content calendar, topic generator, and “converting ads checklist.” 

2. Roasbeast

A screenshot of Roastbeast home page

Another highly-rated YouTube ad agency with dozens of five-star reviews, Roasbeast has worked with some of the world’s best-known brands. The company has supported everyone from Monzo to SkinnyFit with social media advertising, SEO, and YouTube campaign creation.

Though the brand offers a range of services for all kinds of advertising, including TikTok campaigns, it does offer specialist services for YouTube. The team can help companies with everything from content creation and editing to traffic generation and strategy management. Services offered include:

  • In-depth analytics and YouTube reports
  • Paid YouTube advertising campaigns
  • Organic YouTube growth campaigns
  • Cross-channel marketing
  • YouTube strategy development

One of the things that sets Roasbeast apart from other YouTube marketing agencies is its commitment to delivering data-driven results. They focus on improving your return on ad spend with full-funnel strategies that cover a range of platforms. 

Roasbeast also has an excellent reputation for customer service, offering consistent meetings with clients to help you track and optimize your campaigns. 

3. Moburst

A screenshot of Moburst home page

Similar to Roasbeast, Moburst is a multi-channel marketing agency committed to helping businesses master digital and mobile marketing. The company has earned some pretty impressive clients over the years, including Samsung, the Discovery Network, and Reddit. 

The brand has also won numerous awards for its marketing campaigns and growth results. Moburst is a particularly effective company to work with if you’re looking at boosting the presence of your mobile app, as they’re well-versed in the application space. Services offered include:

  • Mobile and digital marketing strategy
  • YouTube and website SEO
  • Conversion rate optimization
  • Social media management
  • User-generated content campaign creation
  • Influencer marketing support

The comprehensive range of services offered by Moburst means companies can take advantage of a wide range of solutions, from mobile strategies to creative asset creation. The brand can even produce high-end animated videos on your behalf. 

Like many of the best YouTube marketing agencies, Moburst also takes a data-driven approach to growth, using reporting, analytics, and A/B testing to improve your ROI over time. 

4. Thrive Agency

A screenshot of Thrive home page

With hundreds of positive reviews across Google and Facebook, Thrive stands out as a multi-service, results-focused marketing agency. The company has been offering services to clients in a host of industries since 2005. Plus, they’ve served some pretty major clients, such as Texas Educational.

Thrive’s team offers dozens of different services for specific use cases, such as Amazon marketing, ecommerce marketing, reputation management, and web design. Their services related to YouTube marketing campaigns include:

  • Search engine optimization
  • Reputation management and online reputation repair
  • Drone video and photography services
  • Video testimonial services
  • Social media management and advertising
  • Pay-per-click advertising

Though Thrive is based in the United States, it offers marketing services to companies around the world. The company produces and delivers high-quality video content from start to finish, assisting with everything from storyboarding to directing and editing. 

Plus, they benefit from a massive team of dedicated writers, producers, directors, and cinematographers who can help boost the appeal of virtually any marketing strategy.

5. Fresh Content Society

A screenshot of Fresh Content Society home page

If you’re looking for a YouTube ad agency that can help you increase ecommerce sales and build engaged online communities, Fresh Content Society could be the brand for you. FCS has worked with some amazing clients, such as Coleman and National Geographic. 

They specialize in creating show-stopping content and marketing strategies for a range of social channels, including Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube. The full-service team offers a range of options to companies, including:

  • Creative strategy auditing and production
  • Community management for social groups
  • Paid media strategy and management
  • Influencer management 
  • Video content creation and editing

FCS are experts at generating interest and engagement for a wide range of companies. Their strategies are custom-built for every brand, so you don’t have to worry about any one-size-fits-all campaigns. Plus, the company can even help connect you with influencers in your niche.

The success of the Fresh Content Society relies heavily on its approach to content creation. They work with brands every step of the way to design compelling narratives that align with your core values. Plus, their experts are well-versed in everything from animation to SEO. 

6. Veritone One

A screenshot of Veritone One home page

Veritone One is a unique YouTube marketing agency for a few reasons. First, the company focuses specifically on video and audio content creation and campaign management. That makes it an excellent choice for companies investing in the power of social video and podcast marketing. 

Secondly, they’re one of the few companies that take an AI-driven approach to advertising, using the latest technology to help enhance your campaign ROI. The company’s services range from podcast and radio advertising to cross-channel video advertising. Options for YouTube marketing include:

  • YouTube influencer marketing and management
  • Turnkey YouTube marketing campaign creation
  • Strategy development and auditing
  • Paid and organic advertising campaigns
  • Video ad creation and optimization
  • Streaming advertising

Veritone One uses proprietary technology, like aiWARE, to help you keep track of your brand’s paid and organic mentions, paving the way for phenomenal growth. They also promise end-to-end analytics and insights for all of your campaigns so you can keep track of your success. 

Based in the United States, this company has already achieved phenomenal results for numerous leading brands, like Thrive Market and Raycon. They can even offer educational resources to help train your team members on better advertising strategies.

7. Lyfe Marketing

A screenshot of Lyfe Marketing home page

Award-winning social media marketing company Lyfe Marketing has worked with some of the biggest brands in the world, from Raw Chemistry to Fitbakes. The brand specializes in social media marketing, search engine optimization, and, of course, YouTube ads. 

Lyfe promises a bespoke marketing service to every agency, combining social media management and ad creation with video development. They also have a wide range of fantastic reviews on their website, as well as case studies from popular brands. Services offered include:

  • Social media advertising and management
  • PPC campaigns for paid YouTube ads
  • Short video advertising
  • Short video management and analysis
  • Search engine optimization
  • Consulting and coaching services

Unlike most of the top YouTube marketing agencies, Lyfe Marketing is also extremely transparent with its pricing. You can access services starting at $650 per month, and each package is custom-tailored to suit your specific needs. 

Crucially, Lyfe marketing offers a fully-featured service, which includes bid management and optimization, custom content creation, ad targeting, and analytics. They also deliver hourly consultations with dedicated account reps.

8. DMA

A screenshot of DMA home page

One of the better-known options on our list of YouTube ad agency companies, DMA, or the Digital Marketing Agency, is an award-winning company offering a host of different services. The company has worked with leading brands across virtually every industry, from luxury communities to ecommerce and cryptocurrency. 

Their services are also extremely broad, covering everything from reputation management to marketing automation, web development, and social media marketing. Some of the key services offered for YouTube advertising include:

  • YouTube video SEO and channel optimization
  • Social media marketing, automation, and management
  • Audience research and discovery
  • Ad optimization and bid strategies
  • Content auditing and creation
  • Paid YouTube video campaigns

DMA can work with you to create a custom ad calendar customized to the specific needs of your strategy. They also specialize in creating effective channels with custom graphics, SEO campaigns, and comprehensive reputation management. 

As a leading YouTube marketing agency, DMA is committed to constantly communicating with its clients providing consistent reports, analytics, and insights. It even offers educational resources to help you empower your team. 

Bonus Option: Growth Collective

A screenshot of Growth Collective home page

While all of the options above stand out as excellent solutions for anyone in search of a comprehensive YouTube marketing agency, they may not be ideal for smaller companies and projects. If you want a more cost-effective solution, you could always consider taking a different approach.

Growth Collective is a freelance marketing platform that partners companies with dedicated experts specifically suited to their niche. The company only works with the most reputable freelancers in the business, vetting every professional thoroughly before connecting them with clients.

With Growth Collective, you can access dedicated YouTube marketing experts, offering specialist assistance in everything from YouTube video SEO to content creation, paid advertising, organic growth, and social media management. 

What’s more, you’re not restricted to any specific contracts. You pay only for the services you need and get an upfront quote before you start any project. Growth Collective’s experts have worked with everyone from Google to Facebook, Visa, Airbnb, Coca-Cola, and many others. 

Check out the services available for YouTube advertising here

Choosing Your YouTube Ad Agency

If you need help getting the best return on investment from your YouTube marketing campaigns, hiring a YouTube ad agency can be an excellent idea. All of the companies above will deliver the expertise, guidance, and strategic help you need to elevate your brand. 

However, it’s worth remembering that working with an agency can be expensive, particularly for smaller brands and companies with short-term projects. Don’t be afraid to explore your options and consider working with freelance creators and specialists, too. 

With Growth Collective, you get access to the top YouTube freelance marketers within 48 hours–chosen by a combination of the platform’s algorithm and handmatching by our in-house experts. Get maximum flexibility and access all the benefits of hiring a YouTube marketing agency with your own YouTube expert through Growth Collective. Find your YouTube freelance marketer HERE


What is a YouTube ad agency?

A YouTube ad agency is a company that specializes in the development, management, and optimization of YouTube marketing campaigns. They can work with you to create and run comprehensive video marketing strategies, optimizing your return on investment. Though the services offered by these companies can vary, they all specialize in YouTube marketing.

What do YouTube marketing agencies do?

The exact scope of services you can get from your YouTube ad agency will vary depending on the company you hire. Most companies offer a range of services, spanning from search engine optimization to paid advertising strategies, content creation, and video scheduling. Some vendors can also offer consultation, education, and promotional services.

How much does a YouTube ad agency cost?

Hiring a YouTube marketing agency is often more affordable than hiring full-time employees to work within your team. However, it can still be quite expensive. Prices vary depending on the scope of services offered and the company’s pricing structure. If you want a cheaper alternative, you can consider working with YouTube marketing experts on a freelance basis. 

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Rebekah Carter
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About Author
Rebekah is a dedicated writer with years of experience producing exceptional content for brands around the globe. Her commitment to producing the best possible content means she’s constantly developing new skills and experience.
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